Friday 13 September 2024

5 Favourites

 Hi Fau Bloggers.

Today I'm going to ask you to write about 5 favourites & why.

The categories are:

A song, a film, a piece of technology, a book, and a souvenir or trinket.

The song I'm going to share with you is a song from 1971 by David Bowie called Quicksand. I really love the lyrics and all the images they conjure up. Bowie was about 24 years old when he wrote this song but he sounds so wise. I love this track because it reminds me of my youth (as well as demonstrating Bowie's versatility).

My favourite film is most probably Brazil by Terry Gilliam. Released in 1985, it's is a "dystopian science fiction black comedy" (Wikipedia), which I must have seen at least 10 times. Actually, it's a nightmarish love story. I love it because it has so many bits of hidden humour. It may look a little dated nowadays but I still think it's amazing.

A piece of technology I use a lot is my Macbook laptop. I bought it refurbished in the UK during COVID, mainly to run with a DAW I use to make music. As far as I'm concerned, it was a real bargain. It's still running faithfully 4 years since I bought it.

 If your interesting in hearing more of my music this is a link to a playlist of my 3 musical projects:)

My favourite book is Titus Groan by Mervyn Peake. It is an amazing piece of fiction. The first volume of a trilogy that tells the story of Titus and the inhabitants of an isolated citadel called Gormenghast. Actually, it's a highly observant and imaginative mix of Chinese and British culture from the mind of a hugely creative writer. Mervyn Peake was born in China in 1911, where his parents were missionaries. The humour in the book is very dark. Peake was an artist who produced educational books teaching people how to draw. He was also an artist, illustrator and poet. Check him out:)

A souvenir I really like is a photo collage i found in a thrift shop in New York in 2011. It only cost me 50 cents but I think it's really cool. I like bring outlandish souvenirs from places I visit, especially things from craft markets or junk stores. I would love to find out who created it.

Write about 5 Favourites. Include a song, a film, a piece of technology, a book, and a souvenir (or trinket). Say a little bit about what each of these things mean to you or why you like them.

Please include photos and or videos (there are insert image and insert video buttons on the tool bar).

Leave a comment on your teacher's blog an

Friday 6 September 2024

A Good Friend

Part 1

Visit this British Council website and read the text:

Write a 60 - 80 word summary.

Part 2

Write a short post about your a good friend:


Who it is,

How you met,

What you have in common.

My short post is about my good friend Kat, pictured above.

We met because a neighbour rescued him for a dog attack when he was a kitten. He decided to live with me and my wife. Kat and I both liked sitting on the balcony and eating. Unfortunately he passed away in 2017, aged 17 years. He was an amazing companion. R.I.P

Tuesday 27 August 2024

New York Webquest

Hi Fau Bloggers:

Today I'd like you to do a web-quest on New York, and at the same time discovery some interesting things about this iconic city.  I've been to New York twice. The first time for just 8 hours, and the second time 8 days. Both times I met up with a childhood friend, Martin, who lived in the city for about 20 years. Martin and I played in a band together when we were younger. 

He's a really amazing drummer. He actually played for a number of underground punk or post-punk bands in New York and became a well know figure on the underground scene there ( 

Anyway, the week I spent in New York was amazing in so many ways. One really cool thing is that every corner you walk around, you encounter a scene from a Hollywood movie. 

Of all the things I did in NYC, I think my favourite would be a tie between taking a 2 hour boat ride around Manhattan Island, and walking over Brooklyn Bridge.

Anyway, please complete the web-quest and post your answers. 

Then write a short post (50 - 100 words):


Which was the most interesting website you visited and why. 

Mention 3 things you would like to do if you visited NYC.

Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of 3 classmates


Explore 12 famous tourist attractions in New York City. Find out the entry fees and how to get there using public transportation.


For each attraction below:

Visit the provided link to gather information.

Find out the entry fee (if any).

Discover the best way to get there using public transportation (subway, bus, etc.).

Note down any special tips or interesting facts.

1. Statue of Liberty

Website: Statue of Liberty National Monument


Find the ticket prices for visiting the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.

Research how to get there by ferry from Manhattan.

2. Central Park

Website: Central Park


Explore the different areas and attractions within Central Park.

Check how to reach Central Park by subway.

3. The Metropolitan Museum of Art (The Met)

Website: The Met


Find out the admission fee and any available discounts.

Research the nearest subway stations.

4. Times Square

Website: Times Square


Look into what events or attractions are currently in Times Square.

Check the subway lines that stop near Times Square.

5. Empire State Building

Website: Empire State Building


Find the cost of tickets to the observation deck.

Research the best way to reach the Empire State Building by subway.

6. American Museum of Natural History

Website: American Museum of Natural History


Look up the admission prices, including any special exhibitions.

Discover how to get there using the subway.

7. The High Line

Website: The High Line


Research if there are any fees to visit the High Line.

Find the closest subway stations.

8. Rockefeller Center & Top of the Rock

Website: Rockefeller Center


Explore ticket prices for visiting the Top of the Rock observation deck.

Check the best public transport options.

9. One World Observatory

Website: One World Observatory


Find the ticket prices for One World Observatory.

Research how to get there using public transportation.

10. The Brooklyn Bridge

Website: Brooklyn Bridge


Check if there are any guided tours and their costs.

Find out how to reach the Brooklyn Bridge by subway.

11. The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)

Website: MoMA


Research the admission fees, including any free hours.

Find out the nearest subway stations.

12. Broadway (Theater District)

Website: Broadway


Look into the prices of tickets for various shows.

Research the best way to get to the Theater District using public transportation. 

Friday 23 August 2024

Cultural Radar (1)

Most mornings, first thing I do is to read The Guardian newspaper with a cup of tea. I usually scan the headlines to see if anything important or interesting has happened in the world, and then I go to the sports's page to read about football. Later in the day, when I have more time, I go back and read other parts of the newspaper that may interest me. I've been reading The Guardian since I was about 18 and although the journalism has become a little "comic like" at times, it's still my favourite way on staying in the know.

Today, I'd like to use a Guardian idea as an inspiration for today's blog post. First, I'd like you to read an article on cultural recommendations given by a well-known person (well, in the UK at least).

Click on the Guardian "On My Radar" link here:

Scroll down to the end of the article and select an article to read (by someone you have heard of or think might be interesting).

The first part of your post will be about what you read:


Who's cultural snapshot you read,

Which aspects of culture they talked about,

Which of the things they talked about you found most interesting and why.

In the second part of your post, you need to write about 5 things that are on your cultural radar at the moment (this can be from any media - video, webpage, song, film, art show, artist, building, tv show, anime, theatre, book, place, etc.).

Try to write at least 30 words for each thing you write about. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of a least 3 classmates.

I'm going to write my own On My Radar post today in class, and your homework is to read it and leave a comment:)

Friday 16 August 2024

A Fun Day Out With Friends

 I think the last Fun Day Out I had with my wife and 2 friends in Algarrobo a couple of weeks back. It was actually with one of my oldest Chilean friends, Silvina, and her partner, Jorge. They have a plot of land (a parcela) about 20 minutes from Algarrobo and they invited us there for lunch, and to spend the afternoon together. 

I've know Silvina since 1996. She was a student in my first teaching job in Chile at UMCE, where she was training to be an English teacher. Her and Jorge have been together for about 20 years and we've often spent time together over the years. Jorge has a great sense of humour and he is really easy going. We both share a similar taste in music too. When we were younger (ha, ha) we used to go out dancing, often to Blondie or some clubs in Bellavista.  We have also been to dozens of concerts together over the years too.

Anyway, I guess we arrived at their place at about midday. The sun was out but it was quite cool. Silvina & Jorge had cooked us a vegan meal which was great because they are big meat-eaters. After lunch we drove down to the sea and had a stroll along the sea front. We stopped off for a coffee and then drove back out to their home. We sat outside, chatting, drinking and listening to music for a couple of hours. 

At about 8pm my wife and I headed back to Santiago. 
We had 2 hungry cats to feed so we needed to get home.

Write about a Fun Day Out you had with some Friends


  - Who you friends were,

   - How you know your friends (a little background info!!!)

   - Where you went 

   - What did you did

   - What made this day special or fun

   - How you and your friends felt at the end of the day.

Try to write at least 200 words. Leave a comment on your teacher's blogs and one the blogs of at least 3 classmates.

5 Favourites

 Hi Fau Bloggers. Today I'm going to ask you to write about 5 favourites & why. The categories are: A song, a film, a piece of techn...